Removing and updating packages rstudio

This will be a very short entry, in which we see that both the upgrade and package removal(packages) in rstudio it is very simple.

Remove memory packages.

To remove memory a package that we have previously charged (for example, because we want to load a newer version), just run the command:

detach(“package: package-name”, unload=TRUE).

For example, to download the fun package, suffice run:

detach(“package:fun”, unload=TRUE)

En Rstudio también se puede eliminar de la memoria un paquete simplemente “desmarcándolo” de la lista de paquetes.

In both cases the package will not delete the hard disk, simply remove the current memory space of our working session with R.

Removing Packages hard disk
To remove the hard drive you have installed a package, just run the function remove.packages(package-name). To clear the package would be fun:
Update installed packages

By function:

R compares the packages you have installed on your computer with those found in CRAN, and it provides a list of those who have a more modern version. To update execute the command:
After which we will be asking R package package if you want to proceed or not updating.

También podemos realizar la actualización de los paquetes simplemente clickando en el icono “update” Packages tab.


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