R Graphics. The ggplot2.(2)

With the qplot command of this package we can create several types of diagrams. This is the command sequence: qplot(x=, y =, data=, color=, shape=, size=, alpha=, geom=, method=, formula=, facets=, xlim =, ylim= xlab=, ylab =, main=,…

R Graphics. The ggplot2.(1)

The ggplot2 graphics package lets you define efficiently, elegant and simple. Compared with other graphics, ggplot2 is more detailed for simple graphics, but it is less detailed for complex graphics or custom….

R Graphics. The base system.

R is widely used for the generation of statistical quality graphics. The graphics packages are most frequently used graphics R, grDevices (make the graphics system Base), Lattice and Ggplot2. Graphics system…

Installing Packages (packages) a RStudio.

The basic installation of R is equipped with many functions, that allow us to import data, performing transformations, adjustment and evaluation of statistical models, graphic representations, … But, In addition to the functions “of…

Notes on rstudio

Then I show a screenshot of rstudio, in which the following are distinguished panels: The interactive console R (on the left) Environment / History (in the upper right corner) Files / Graphics / Packages / Help / Viewer (bottom…

Installing R and rstudio.

Installing R R is an environment and programming language with a focus on statistical analysis. R born as a free software reimplementation language S. Is, with Python, the language more…